Happy Independence Day!

Forever bless the people of Costa Rica.

Costa Rica flag on a mountain near Buena Vista Del Rincon


Freedom, peace, and progress, that has been our north, always with faith, union and pure life. Pura Vida! Let's sing our National Anthem loudly from all corners of the country!
Costa Rica celebrates its independence on September 15th along with other Central American brothers; Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Guatemala. All our nations once belonged to the Captaincy of Guatemala and it was precisely in Guatemala City in 1821 where our Act of Independence was proclaimed. We ceased to be under Spanish authority and became part of the Federation of Central American States.

In those times there were no means of communication or transportation, which is why the news did not arrive as fast as nowadays. It was not until October 29th of that year that the Act was signed and sworn in our country, in the city of Cartago.
Every year, on September 14th at 6 o'clock in the evening is the celebration of the lantern parade. It is our Independence Eve, a party where Costa Ricans take to our streets and parks with original and colorful lanterns. 
It is important to remember that at the beginning of the 19th century there was no electricity and, in order to light up the streets at night, people had to carry torches or lamps.

Dolores Bedoya and her husband Pedro Molina Mazariegos were important actors in the independence movement. Doña Dolores, a small woman of great character as described by historians, took to the streets of Guatemala City on September 14th, lighting torches to encourage the neighbors and to loudly ask for independence. She was able to gather many citizens who remained until September 15 outside the National Palace of Guatemala where our independence was being debated. The sounds of the marimba and the burning of gunpowder could be heard, as shouts and acclamations were heard asking for our freedom! 
Long live the homeland, long live freedom!